Command Line Interface

Use usbwkscmd.exe console program to configure the program via command line interface.

Command line usbwkscmd.exe file is created during the program installation. You can find it in USB for Remote Desktop program folder.

C:\Program Files\FabulaTech\USB for Remote Desktop (Workstation)\usbwkscmd.exe

USB for Remote Desktop console utility
Copyright © 2000-2024 FabulaTech 

Usage: usbwkscmd.exe command [option]


list                            List all available USB devices.
list -s                         List USB devices, short view, only devID.
list [-v|-o] [-i] [<devID>]
                                List USB devices and shared ports:
                                -v - verbose output;
                                -o - alternative style output;
                                -i - show interfaces of composite devices;
                                devID - detailed info about the USB device 
                                identified by devID.
sesslist                        List open sessions.
share <devID>                   Share the USB device identified by devID.
unshare <devID>                 Unshare the USB device identified by devID.
shareall                        Share all available devices. Enabled by default.
unshareall                      Stop sharing all available devices except those 
                                shared by 'share' or 'shareport' commands.
shareport <devID>               Share the USB port where the USB device 
                                identified by devID is plugged in.
unshareport <devID>             Unshare the USB port where the USB device 
                                identified by devID is plugged in.
connect <devID> <sessID>        Connect the USB device identified by devID to 
                                the session identified by session ID.
log show                        Display the program log.
log level error|debug           Set the logging level to error or debug.
help|/?                         Show this help.

Command Line Usage Examples:

List available devices:

c:\Program Files\FabulaTech\USB for Remote Desktop (Workstation)>usbwkscmd.exe list
ID   VID  PID  REV           Location     Status     Serial         Device name
2    058f:9540:0026               1-4    Unknown         ""  Alcor Micro Corp. 
3    0e0f:0003:0102               1-5    Unknown  "0346..."  AsusTek Computer I
7    125f:c96a:1100               1-6    Unknown  "1211..."  Samsung Flash Driv

Stop device sharing and check the result:

c:\Program Files\FabulaTech\USB for Remote Desktop (Workstation)>usbwkscmd.exe unshare 7
Device unshared successfully.

c:\Program Files\FabulaTech\USB for Remote Desktop (Workstation)>usbwkscmd.exe list
ID   VID  PID  REV           Location     Status     Serial         Device name
2    058f:9540:0026               1-4    Unknown         ""  Alcor Micro Corp. 
3    0e0f:0003:0102               1-5    Unknown  "0346..."  AsusTek Computer I
7    125f:c96a:1100               1-6   Unshared  "1211..."  Samsung Flash Driv